Wednesday, February 15, 2006

  • My sister has strept throat. (Guess who is likely next in line? I really hope I'm not, but that's what happens when you live with other people-- I use hand sanitizer like it's my job, so hopefully, I'll stay well).
  • Track season has begun! And from the soreness in my legs and back, I know that circuit training has already taken its toll. (lol.)
  • I have been accepted at the three universities that have replied thus far: Meredith, Purdue and Elon. All three offered me money, but I'm just not sure that any of those places are the places for me-- I know that sounds silly since I took the time to apply to each of them, but I think the way I view myself and where I'd be happy spending four years has changed, or at least I've changed it. I am still waiting to hear from UNC-CH and American, my top two choices. I will likely also apply to UNC-G before all is said and done.
  • I entered Oprah's National High School Essay Contest, for which the prompt was:
    How is Elie Wiesel's book Night relevant today?
    I'm still waiting to hear back as to whether I'm a finalist.
  • The trip to Costa Rica is in just a little more than a month! I am sooo excited. It is going to be an awesome week-- though, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed because Mr. Slattery said that we'd be there during Semana Santa (Holy Week, the week of Easter), but it turns out we'll be there two weeks prior-- it's really a bummer because in many Latin American countries, Semana Santa is a national holiday, and everyone is festive and out celebrating. I thought it would be a really cool experience, and I was thrilled at the idea of going to a Catholic mass that was in spanish, but I guess I can still technically go to a church service in spanish, it just won't be the Easter service.
  • Our school administration is going on a tyraid about facebook. Apparently students are using facebook to harass others, which isn't cool. But the way the administration is handling it isn't particularly good either. I mean, I understand their concerns, but on facebook, it is very easy to see who says/does what. So, making all these announcements and lecturing us is just a waste of time. The only students who are actually listening are the ones who aren't going to use facebook to harass others anyway, and the students who are are the same students who aren't listening to the lecturing. Plus, I think there's an awful lot of harassment that goes on at school that doesn't get reprimanded, but as soon as it's online, everyone has a hissy fit. (It's not that I think it's okay to insult other people onlne, but I don't think it's okay to do it at all. So the tyraid also needs to include the harassment and bullying that goes on every single day at school.) Just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
  • Riley, my sweet, sweet puppy, is wild as ever, but learning new stuff everyday. He can give high-fives, shake with both paws, beg, lie down, sit, and understands "go get your bone/toy and lie down." We're working on stay and speak right now, but it's slow going. I started clicker-training him, and at first he ran away from me whenever I clicked it, but now, he knows that a click is a reward of sorts, and he responds really well.
  • I was sure all this year and all last year that I wanted to teach highschool history for a living. But I was talking to an elementary school teacher today, and she seemed confident that highschool wasn't the place for me-- elementary school was. And she also said that fourth grade was where I belonged. Which was interesting because she teaches second grade...anyway...I have no idea what I'll be studying in college or what I'll do after college. My plans change about every day or so.
  • I'm going on the mission trip this year to Pasadena, California. We're working with Harambe Missions, and we'll be running a VBS program for inner-city children. I am sooo excited.

I guess that's about all. I will hopefully get better about being a regular-blogger, so I can write about more interesting things than just brief updates of my life.

"I believe there are angels among us,
Sent down to us, from somewhere up above,
To show us how to live,
To teach us how to give,
To guide us with the light of love."


Anonymous said...

Whoa...I just got a puppy. It's name is Riley too!

cool. haha


Lindsay said...

That's so cool! I can't believe you still read this! LOL. Is your Riley a girl or a boy?

Anonymous said...

haha, yeah I love popping in unexpectedly from time to time. heehee. My Riley is a he (there are pictures of him on facebook). He's quite a character.
