Sunday, July 04, 2004

What's Wrong With the World??

Well, today is Independence Day, a day where we set off fireworks, and proudly wear red, white and blue, as we reflect on just how lucky we are to live in a free nation. Happy Birthday USA!
In other news, today I found out that my former dance studio director/teacher (the one who never paid the rent, and who kept all of our tuition and other fees) was arrested and jailed for possession of cocaine. She and a few others were pulled over in her car, and all arrested because there was cocaine in her car. As much as I would like to believe that she was driving around with the drugs unknowingly, I have to suck it up and face the hard reality that she may very well have been doing/dealing drugs. These are the times when it's hard to trust and have faith in this world. I wanted to believe her story of "my boyfriend ran off with my money. It's not my fault." But I guess people are going to let you down and we should just get on with our lives and make the best of it.

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