Monday, August 14, 2006

So this is what they were talking about...

I think I realized today what everyone's been talking about...College--- It's wonderful. I mean, yeah there are hard things about it, like the noise and some of the people, but I realized today that I love it. I really do.

I got up this morning at 8:15, took 15 minutes to get ready and then I headed to my nine o'clock class. My classes are all about 3/4 of a mile from my dorm, which is fine. I don't mind the walk, but I just have to be sure to allow for time to get there.
My first class, at 9, was The World in the Twentieth Century. Mind you, I've already taken a class called 20th Century Topics, and from the syllabus, I don't think this class is going to be a problem for me. I really like the professor, from what I saw today.

Then I had an hour to kill before my Spanish class--- not quite enough time to go back to the dorm and piddle around, so I just went to the cafeteria and got a quick breakfast and then I went to the library and hung around.

At 11am, I had Spanish. Turns out I'm the only freshman in the class, so that was a little intimidating at first, but again, I really like the professor, and from the levels it seems that everyone else is at, this class isn't going to be a problem either.

Then it was noon and I was a little hungry, but not much, so I headed to the cafeteria, because again I had one hour before my next class. I was just reading my Spanish homework and nibbling on some lunch when this girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to come eat with her and her friend. I was like, Okay, why not? So, I have two awesome new friends: Cody and Anna. They are sooo much fun to be around. I think we spent thirty minutes laughing about everything and nothing. I'm so glad I met them.

Then I had American Politics. The professor is awesome, again. (Wow, this is lucky, for sure), and he's pretty funny too. This class I can't judge the difficulty of because I don't have anything to base it off of, and I haven't really looked at the books that carefully yet-- but these books are textbooks, as opposed to the books for 20th C., which are novels, autobiographies and such.

All I gotta say is: I LOVE LOVE LOVE COLLEGE... and LIFE IS GOOD.

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