Friday, August 18, 2006

Still Adjusting, but Loving It!

Last night proved to be the most challenging so far...and it had nothing to do with UNC-G at all. It was hard for me because Thursday nights are basketball nights at church during the summer. And it wasn't that I needed to be there, or even really wanted to be there (though I admit that I did kinda want to be there), but I am used to being there. So for whatever reason I struggled all day with this nagging desire to go back to Chapel Hill, just because that's what I do on Thursday nights. This sounds stupid to many of you, I'm sure. And I'll admit it's odd. But it's a lot like how I felt the day after the last day of school--- I had an urge the next morning at 7am to get up and get ready for school. I didn't want to be back in class doing gobs of work, but I think for many people there is some comfort to be taken in a routine. But I allowed the time yesterday evening to pass without going and getting in my car...and I went to InterVarsity at 7pm. I had a wonderful time and met a really awesome girl named Amanda from Roanoke Rapids. She and I instantly bonded and hung out for a good hour or so after IV was over. We talked about guys (with some giggling involved), and college, and classes, and our homes, and our families, our roommates, our churches, our youth leaders, and also we talked a lot about how difficult we're finding it to be to meet people that you think you can have a meaningful friendship with. Needless to say, we found each other's company to be just what we needed as we near the end of our first week at college.
About my comment on meaningful relationships...I guess that sounded kinda haughty of say that it was hard to meet people I wanted to have a meaningful relationship with...and that's not how I meant it at all. The truth is that I've met people here that I am more than happy to be friends with and that I will socialize with, but as far as really being able to talk to them about deep, important (to me), hard stuff, I'm not sure I've met those kinds of people yet. Amanda is definitely one of those people, though, and I think we're going to become great friends. She is going home this weekend, (so it's tempting for me to drive toward my home too...but I'm resisting the urge...I'm still trying to spread my wings and I don't need to let them rest just yet), so I'm on my own for the weekend, but that's okay. There's plenty of work to do and plenty of rest to catch up on.
I guess that's about it...
Well, actually, for those of you who don't know, I had to drop one of my classes...Actually, I didn't have to, but the teacher thought it was probably going to be over my head as a freshman. And, whether she's right or not, I think that I've got enough difficult classes and curriculum and there are seven more semesters to take that I dropped Sexuality in Historical Perspective and added Religion and Contemporary Culture, which, after only one day, seems like it'll be interesting enough.

So my weeks now look like this:
9-9:50am (20th Century World)
11-11:50am (Spanish)
1-1:50pm (American Politics)
2-3:15pm (Reli. and Cont. Culture)
6-8pm (Honors Pro-Sem)

11-12:15pm (Int'l Human Rts)

9-9:50am (20th Century World)
11-11:50am (Spanish)
1-1:50pm (American Politics)
2-3:15pm (Reli. and Cont. Culture)

11-12:15pm (Int'l Human Rts)

9-9:50am (20th Century World)
11-11:50am (Spanish)
1-1:50pm (American Politics)

Yes, if it looks like my MWF classes get fewer and fewer as the weeks progress, you're right. Monday is my busiest day with five classes, and Fridays I only have three...Wednesdays I have 4 and T-Th I only have one...It's actually not a bad schedule! :)

I guess that's about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.