Tuesday, September 16, 2003

People should re-think the saying, "why me?" Why NOT me?

"God has a purpose for every problem; He uses problems to draw you closer to Him."

"You'll never know that God is all you need until God is all you've got."

I got this off my youth leader's away message. She recently hurt her knee so bad that she can no longer play rugby at UNC and it could take months more for her to heal. I had to share this, because it's so true. She isn't wallowing in self-pity, but she's trying to look at the bright side of the situation. This has truly changed the way I look at my life, and I hope it makes a difference in how you feel too. (I know, this sounds like a mushy, school-day presentation, but it's true, and we can all take a lesson from my youth leader's attitude!!!!

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