Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I have an updated schedule for school:

1. AP Env. Sci. [Boyer]
2. Enr Chem. [Gruden]
3. AG Eng. II [unknown]
*4. Publications!!!! [Dr. Busonik] (he thinks I'm MAGNANIMOUS!)
*5. H. Spanish III [Slattery]
6. Adv. Alg. II [Scicinska]

and 7th pd is Health/PE.

Alright, yes, I know, switching out of Col Lvl ELP may not have been a good choice in the eyes of colleges, but with dance, swim team, track and cross country, there is no way I have extra time for an extra class of homework. I took publications last year and enjoyed being on the newspaper staff, and the nice thing is. . . . Dr. Busonik doesn't normally give homework in that class! I know I sound like a slacker from this post, but if you look at my dance schedule you might understand why. And it's not like I am taking 6 other easy classes.

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