Sunday, July 13, 2003

So, this is very interesting. When my doctor first prescribed sleep aid for me this week, she instructed me to take only a half of a pill before bed time. She told me that if it didn't work that I could take a whole pill. So my mom called her and she gave the go ahead for me to start taking a whole pill. Well, I am taking a whole pill now. I took it nearly three hours ago. It is supposed to have you asleep in an hour. It has been almost three hours, now. And nothing has happened. I am convinced that I will never get sufficient sleep ever again.

Now for a riddle. Post your answers in the chatter box! It is super hard! (but if I am right about some of the people I think read my blog, then I know that a couple of you can get it right. even those of you who don't write in the chatterbox.)

There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?

Alright, Start posting.

Well it is after 1 in the morning. I have lunch with my mom's friends tomorrow, then swimming and running. You can still post ideas for the music for the jazz dance. (Note: What are y'all's opinions about me using "Proud Mary" by Ike and Tina Turner for the jazz dance? I am not sure if it is fast enough, but I haven't really listened to it yet. What do you guys think?)

More later. Enjoy the riddle. And you should all come watch when I go to dance competitions, especially if I compete with my solo! :)
This has been a truly awesome week.

Mark: Don't worry. It's all good. Keep making people happy; it brightens people's days. I enjoy our online convos. You always have stories that make me smile.

Super Sam: Love ya girl. We have to get together and make cards! You're the bestest. Tell all the CHBCers I said hi, and that I love 'em. I miss you girl. Call me soon.

Nicole: I am so glad you read this! I love ya girlie. (L*I*P*hehehe---inside joke). How are Rockola, Lightning, Rad, Sam, Minnie, etc? (sorry I can't remember all of them!). We need to hang out soon.

Emily: I hope you had fun in CT, and tell your guy that I said hi. You're so sweet and I love ya. Did you ever finish summer reading? We should swim again sometime soon. . . :) Love ya, and keep the windows rolled down and the radio blarring. :) (can we still egg that person's house I told you about? Just kidding. I would never do that.)

Cameron: Batman is the coolest! You should come to my clogging class; we're cool, unlike your people. I want those cartoons! I can't wait to see them. You are a good drawer and I just know that they will increase the beauty of the cards. Keep it up! Talk to you soon.

Elizabeth: Jet skis and three sixties can be scary! "Will it float?" let's see. Hehehe! remember that? Remember Rockola at midnight after the Luau? Tell Lucky hi. He is the absolute sweetest dog, next to mine and a couple other dogs hehehe. It can be a tie. How bout that? I hope I can talk to you soon. Remember bug eyes and puppy cats, and how Friends is a conspiracy because they don't go to work and they still have money to pay for an apartment in NY? That was a crazy class. hehehe

Ms. Atkinson: Read your blog. Long, but cute. Tell your sister congrats on the city win. That's great. Hope work is going well, and from your blog, it sounds really interesting! That's cool. Remember puddles on the distance run? Remember bad-ass tatoos, and slurping spaghetti at the State meet? Hehehe. Memories are the best! Talk to you soon. Much love.

Carbar: Rockola late at night after the luau! And studying for biology and world civ in Ms. A's room with drinks from the Circus! That seemed like we studied forever! (hehehe and throwing notes in math. that was fun!)
Later babe. Love ya tons!

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