Tuesday, July 08, 2003

So I had my second day of the driving part of driver's ed today. Loads of fun, lol. I drove on I-40 at approx. 65 mph. Last night I couldn't fall asleep, no matter what I tried. I tried everything; my mom has even put me on Benadryl Allergy Medicine to see if that will make me fall asleep. It did NOT work at all. Oh well. I guess insomnia will just become a fixture in my life. I finally fell asleep at 4:30 this morning, but then I had to get up to go to D.E., and so I had to wake up at 7am. I am EXHUASTED. Now I have 2 hours of dance classes, followed by a run. Then maybe I will be tired enough to hit the hay (as they say), but I am not holding my breath.

"Don't leave five minutes before the miracle happens." -a popular saying. (oh, in case that saying didn't click, it means "don't give up on life, just before it becomes worth living.")
Cool, huh?

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